Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. Power of attorney notarized and legalized up to the Libya Consulate. Applicant’s business
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Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. POA simply signed. Scanned copy is enough. Trademark image. List of goods/services to
PALESTINE – GAZA Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. POA simply signed. Scanned copy is sufficient. Trademark image. List
Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. POA notarized by notary public only. Certified copy of the extract from the
Syria :
Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. Power of attorney notarized and legalized up to the Syria Consulate. Trademark image.
Arab & Middle East
We Are Not The First IP Attorney In Egypt & Middle East. But, We Are Always Trying To Be The Best Ones In This Field.
Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. Power of attorney notarized and legalized up to the Yemen Consulate. Scanned copy
Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. Power of attorney notarized and legalized up to the UAE Consulate. Trademark image.
Trademark Application requirements: Full name and address and nationality of the applicant. Power of attorney notarized and legalized up to the Bahrain Consulate or apostille.
Algeria is a member of the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property and the Madrid Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Marks.