Trademark Search:
Full availability search, improve the rate of success for registration.
Trademark Application:
Filing locally and global trademarks applications.
Trademark Renewal:
Maintaining your trademark rights through efficient renewal management.
Trademark Change Name/Address:
Update the records of trademark registrar once the owner’s name/address changes.
Trademark Assignment:
Transfers and assigns interest of a trademark from one person/party to another one.
Trademark License:
Authorize a third person/party to use your registered mark.
Trademark Opposition:
Oppose trademark applications during the opposition legal term.
Trademark Invalidation:
Remove a registered trademark from the registrar as if it had never been registered.
Trademark Cancellation:
Remove a registered trademark based on non-use/fraud.
Trademark litigation:
Legal procedures to revoke the pending and/or registered trademark.
To discover possible infringements and counterfeiting.
Watch Service:
Monitor possible third party owning conflicting trademark rights from yours.
Please do not hesitate to contact us to ask us for the fees and get a fee quotation free of charges and get response within 24 hours. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that our quoted charges are highly competitive and inclusive of all disbursement up to registration and there will be no other charges in normal cases. In other words, no hidden expenses will be incurred during the processing of the trademark into final registration; i.e. we do not have any hidden expenses or further disbursements such as printing, post or the like will be added to our charges. Also, it is in synch with our Firm policy to not charge our clients and associates for reviewing and reporting Office Actions, rejection, and opposition notices or providing legal opinion on legal matters and registrability of marks or chances of success of appeals or opposition or the like as well as responding to their inquiries or providing status reports.